Pink Daisies

Newlywed Adventures! It promises to be entertaining.

Tuesday, February 28, 2006


So, I went to a bridal show on Sunday. Each booth was having a drawing so my mom and I entered pretty much all of them. I got 3 calls on monday, all telling me I won something!!!!

First, we won an engagement photo session which I was really hoping for. But, then, we found out that we won a $1,000 vacation package- 3 day 2 night vacation. AND THEN, I found out we won a second one!!!!! Yes, that's TWO 3 day 2 night vacations. Basically, we're going to Honolulu for 6 days and 4 nights for $100 plus spending money!!! And, we got a $1000 to spend on a fun website. We're amazing.

In other news, I quit school last week. Praise God

Thursday, February 23, 2006


Funny story time! yipee!

Ok, so, at work whenever we smell a poopy diaper we always say "I think someones poopy" and then usually go around smelling bottoms to find the culprit. It seems normal and I've never ever thought twice about it.

Well, yesterday, I was playing with one of my favorite kids. He's 3 and ultra-cute. He's already won my heart, at the age of 3. Remember those Barbi corvets we had? They were fairly big, but not the kind you ride in. We had one of those and 2 dolls riding in the back. They were wrecking with a bus (terrible, I know, but he came up with it). All the sudden he stops, picks up one of the dolls, and says "Somebody's poopy" and smells the dolls bum, and then says "nope", puts her down and picks up the next one and smells her. No results apparently, so he says "nope... but I think someone's poopy". Sooo freaking funny! I'm just sad that I was the only one that heard it

Saturday, February 18, 2006

I like Saturdays

This weekend I find myself without my fiance. I dont really like it... but spent the day with my mom and grandma (yay!). I found a dress today!! I haven't 100% decided on it, but i LOVE it! I love the sparkle of it.. yay! I would describe more or include a picture but because Tony sometimes visits, I feel that "sparkle" is even too much info. If I get it, I'm for sure getting the veil and tiara somewhere else because they're almost $200 each. Crazy!

Thank you for the comments on my last post. You girls are wonderful and right, about everything. Degrees ARE overrated, and I'm feeling so overwhelmed by the thought of the uselessness. At the same time though, women being educated and sufficient should they need to be, is also really important. Some day I may be left a widow with 3 kids, or an injured husband and 3 kids to take care of and I'll need to fall back on it. Or, I may just need the respect of myself that I have it. Anyways, thanks girls! I'll still struggle with it, but I really appreciate it and will probably go through with it. Right now we're looking for me to change majors. Try to find something child-related that I can apply my general credits to and just do a last year or so of that. But, as Brittanie said, God will show! I'd like for him to show right now, but I guess I'll keep waiting :)

My brother and his girlfriend are so darn cute! They're fairly new, and I'm seeing a whole new side of him that I've never seen in all 17 1/2 years that I've known him. He's smiley and cute and a whole lot more relational than I've ever seen him. Today he said "I had my cute smile on", and that's something he never in a million years would've said before. He was the typical tough, rough, always gotta look unhappy teenage boy. She's perfect for him- tiny, but a huge eater; she'll go out and swing a hammer with him or fix a roof or something and then put on a dress and be pretty all in the same day (I've witnessed it). For Valentine's day, she got him a huge teddy bear and drove out to his school and put it in his truck so when he came out there was a passenger waiting for him in his truck. Tonight I went in his room and saw the teddy bear sitting with a picture of her, on his dresser. So cute! So, here's to you- brother and his girlfriend! You get the cute and happy award of the day!

Thursday, February 16, 2006

titles are overrated

Sorry for the temporary leave of absense.....

Life is crazy and I'm too unmotivated for it :-P

Our V-day was spent looking at apt's in the town we want to move to and the school I would be transferring to. Turns out that if I transfer there, I have 3 remaining semesters instead of 2.
We love the town, we love the apartments we looked at, but the school was so dang frustrating. It was such a turn-off to go there.... agghhh

So, I'm actually considering dropping out of school. It complicates things, and there's no real point. I have no intention of using the degree and it's a whole lot of loans to pay back for nothing. If I don't go to school, we can pull in 2 incomes instead of 1 and won't have to scrape every penny and have him work himself ragged every day of the week as many hours as he can- just to pay our bills and eventual student loans. Plus, I'm so unmotivated for school right now that it isn't even funny. I hate my classes and I hate doing homework or studying. I know I'm just lazy, but maybe I'm not even meant to be there. I was forced into this semester and I ended up hating it, just like I thought. I had planned on starting an Early Childhood Development degree as soon as I was done with the biology one... maybe I need to start that now instead of wasting another year and half getting this bachelor's. Here's the problem with all of that. I'll have to tell every single employer that I did 3 years of college and then quit, I'll never be able to say I have a degree, and if we NEED me to have a career, I won't be able to. What I want to do is work with kids, but someday I may need to do something that pays really well. Plus half of my family has pretty much threatened me into finishing my degree. They think I'm throwing my life away for a boy. Am I? I know with all of my heart that he's the person meant to be my husband and I know it's righter than anything for us to be married this August. We want me to be able to raise our kids, I don't want a career. Why is it so important for me to have a degree?

Here's the other factor of our future life-- His job. We already know that he has to be part time at his current job and get another part time job. His current salary isn't enough. We've been so focused on him keeping his current job because it's so great, but why? It makes more sense to calm down and just get a new job. At the same time we don't feel it's right to leave.

Who the crap knows........ congrats on getting to this place of my post- awake. You need an award for reading all the way through :)
If you're still with me, any and all advice is appreciated.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

runny noses and cops

Attention YMCA members and staff:

Please, oh please, do not ever again bring your sick children into my care. Before you leave the house, do a thorough check of overly running noses, random sneezes that could be in people's faces, and any and all uncovered coughs. If your kid is too young to cover his mouth when he coughs, keep him home.

As a result of the wonderful children I work with, I am now insanely sick. Been sick all weekend. So, I call in Monday morning (45 minutes before my shift started, mind you) and told them I was sick and not only was about to calapse but didn't want to infect any other workers or children. You know what I got for my kind gesture? "Well, I need you to find a sub. Start calling down the list and find one and then call me back and let me know". BLEH! My first sick day in the whole 6 months I've worked there... So, I sat there for 2 hours calling people with no results. And then I went to bed.

It's kind of morphing every day. Each day I wake up with new symptoms. Today is the worst cough, right underneath when I had bronchitis. Hopefully my friend bronchitis hasn't returned for a visit. We didn't get along very well last time.

So, I decided to drive to the store for cough syrup. I was in my sweats and somehow forgot to wear my glasses. I got there and had to stand really close to the stuff to see them, and find one that would work.. hopefully no one walked by and saw. And then, I got in my car and there's a cop sitting in the spot next to me, with his car still running. I can't see a thing except for lights and I didn't have my license with me... brilliant. I decided to pretend like I was warming up my car and waited for him to leave. I didn't want to stay there too long and be suspicious so I left, very cautiously. Just as I expected, he followed me! I was so freaking scared that my cough was almost gone! At the light he turned the opposite way though... phew. I probably won't do that again.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

But Not

This is one of my favorite books. It's hilarious and I get to read it periodically to children at work.
Here's some example pages:

A Cat and a rat are trying on hats... But not the hippopotamus!

A frog and a hog are dancing in a bog... but not the hippopotamus!

Each page has 2 cute animals having fun and then the next page shows the hippo not having fun and very sad
It's funny and really cute and everytime I read it, I'm sure to get a 'hippoponamus' from the kid I'm reading to.