Pink Daisies

Newlywed Adventures! It promises to be entertaining.

Thursday, November 30, 2006

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...

I love LOVE Christmas time! The music, the decorations, the snow, all the beautiful lights! I love going to dinner and having all the trees around me sparkle with white lights and having the chill of the air on me. We had an amazing snow storm the last couple of days. Temps were only in the teens yesterday and we have probably 5 inches outside our apartment. Freezing, but beautiful.

We decorated our apartment this week. It's so nice! For being our first Christmas, I thought it would be sparse, but we actually have a really good collection of decorations. Our tree is gorgeous and it was a great experience to have our 2 sets of ornaments put together on one tree.
He had a cute plastic snowman tablecloth and I arranged a pretty centerpiece for $2.50! It looks great and I feel so economical. Today we buy our first stockings to hang over the fireplace!
Oh, and my mom bought us a 'first christmas together 2006' ornament. We love it!

Yay for Christmas!!!!

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Mystery box discovered!

I've been missing all sorts of things lately. Like, I'll suddenly remember something I used to have, and realize it's been awhile since I've seen it and since I've reorganized all the closets and things around here, I know it's not in my house. Everytime I go to my parents, I turn their house upside down trying to find those things. Well yesterday I dug through our storage shed and found a mystery box! It was FULL of my stuff and I've never even seen it before! When we first moved in, Tony and my dad loaded up the shed with things and either they got tired of asking me if I've gone through a certain box or not, or they just stopped paying attention and loaded everything in sight! My mom remembers filling up that box and bringing it to me but I never saw it. It went straight into the shed crying out for me day after day and I never knew.

I went through it yesterday and it was like Christmas! So many fun things that I haven't seen in 3 months! Like my mom said: good thing there wasn't any food in there! :)

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

happy turkey day!

Happy Thanksgiving all!! We're off as soon as Tony gets home and we eat... I get to spend the day with both of my families! Marriage is tremendous when your families get along. There's the start of what I'm thankful for this year!

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

today I am tired

Thanks for your advice, Brit. I spent the whole 45 minute drive calming myself down and getting to a place where I could be excited and welcoming. It was wonderful to see him. He was his classes' valedictorian and he got the integrity award (by class vote). I don't think you fully miss someone until they're home again.
Oh, and I think I will indeed lock Ethan in the closet until he's grateful, next time!! (and note to self- never let brit babysit....) that comment made me laugh really hard.

Friday, November 17, 2006


Ugh. What a day! The day has come that I dislike small children. It's partly my fault for being so cranky today, but mostly their fault for being such pains today. I dont think a single one of them woke up this morning remembering how to listen. It also doesn't help that there are so many of them. Furthermore- they decided to give us a 'planning time' right at the start of lunch and send in subs. Ok, right, so these subs have to try and feed all these children that they don't know and put them to bed for their nap. They're all going crazy and half of them will freak out because of all the new people, and you expect these subs to successfully complete this task? Well... it didn't work. We came back to even more chaos then we left. It's also a bad day because the kid who cries for milk at least 3 times a day, his mom brought him a yellow sippy cup instead of a blue one today and so he just throws it on the floor and cries some more. That means that he has had no milk to drink so far today and when he wakes up from his nap, he will cry even harder. Yippee!
When will it end? Oh yeah... in 3 hours. 3 long hours. and then I pick up husband!! I fear that my mood is in no shape to pick up husband tonight. Pray it will somehow get better!

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

His faithfulness is new every morning

This morning I woke up outrageously early to be at work at an ungodly time of the morning. The funny thing is, I showered, dressed, made coffee, and it was still like 30 minutes until I had to leave. How does that happen??
I felt very close to God this morning. I read about Ruth again and just felt so close to Him.

I've been thinking lately just how faithful He's been to us in our 3 months. We've been down to almost nothing in our account twice now, but yet we've never run out. We've been paying all bills like normal and have never gone without. It's little things here and there that have been sustaining us. I freaked out one day on God and cried out to Him why it was we had to wait so long for a job and a paycheck, but in hindsight- we were taken care of every single step of the way. We would get like a rebate check in the mail or something and be able to buy some groceries- things like that. Nothing major, but yet it has worked out every time.
All of the sudden we're receiving so many blessings! I have an amazing job that I love and I just received a promotion and a raise!! In a couple of weeks, I will take up many more hours, with a better job description, and more pay!!! Now, by an incredible turn of events- Tony's part time wonderful job just turned full time! We figured it would be a year or longer before he would get this opportunity and his first week it was offered to him! There were 3 people in line to get it above him and they all turned it down. Also, his first paycheck of our married life finally came and it was much more than we ever expected. Life is good.

Friday, November 10, 2006

Good Starbucks

This morning I sat in Starbucks, a little shaken after one of the worst nights of my life followed by an almost equally horrific morning. In my hand, I held the best Starbucks drink I have ever tasted! They regain my favor- 10 fold!! Extra points for it being after such a bad time.

Friday, November 03, 2006

These are the days

The people downstairs are playing music so loud that it's way too loud in here.. and there is a floor seperating me and the stereo.

An influential man in my old area has been accused of heart-breaking things. I don't know the truth, and I would like to think I know the truth but I bet I don't. It won't shatter my life, but it will shatter the lives of many if it is proven. 14,000+ to be exact. It's all so hard to digest and I haven't gotten there yet.

In other news: I pick up my husband in 1.5 hours!!!!! I can't wait to see him and have him home again. We're going to my parents' this weekend. Pray for my visit with my grandma- it could be a difficult and draining one (but I still can't wait to see her)

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

This is what Halloween looks like! :)