Pink Daisies

Newlywed Adventures! It promises to be entertaining.

Friday, May 25, 2007

the good, the bad, and the appaling

The good Just got back from my latest trip- California and Texas for the first time! My sister in law graduated in California and then we moved her out to Texas. The whole trip was so nice. In Cali I got to spend lots of time with his family, plus Tony's best friend and his girlfriend (who had a major fight the whole night)

Tony, his dad, and his grandma all had to fly home from cali, but the rest of us trudged in 2 cars to TX. The badI t was supposed to take 19 hours, but the first day we drove 16 and the second we drove about 10. The first day, we left at 9 am and got to NM at 3:15 am. Not reccomended!!! I watched my sis in laws boyfriend just about swerve into the side of a semi. My heart still hurts thinking about it! It was one of those moments where you have to breathe deep and convince your heart to slow down again afterwards. Luckily, despite the drastic tiredness of our driving- we made it in one piece.

My first trip to texas was nice. They have a great apt and we spent the day at the San Antonio riverwalk, which is fabulous! Coming home, I beat some odds that were way against me! The flight I was supposed to take had 1 seat left and 6 non-revs listed (i'm a non rev) which means i probably wasn't going to get on it. I decided to try anyways, and Tony told me the one seat left had filled up so there were no more seats left and 6 of us competing for no seats! So, I sat there figuring I'd be calling them to pick me back up.... and then, suddenly, the agent called all non revs up to the counter and handed me and another girl boarding passes! It was incredible and I'm not sure how it happened, but I was overjoyed!! Then, on the flight, the couple I sat with bought me my first on-flight alcoholic drink. she said "we're going to have one, and I'll buy you one too!"

The appaling: Here's my appaling story- today at work, we had a girl with a temp of 103.5 Can you even imagine? That was taken under the arm so it could have very well been 104. If you are clueless about fevers, 104 means permanent damage! 103 flat is scary and sometimes means sezures (I've seen it happen), convulsions, or permanent brain damage in kids. So, when here fever was that bad, I got scared to death. At 11:00, we called all 6 of her parents' phone numbers, and got nothing. Finally at 1:00 her dad called back and said "well.. I have a meeting so I'll try to be there maybe by 4" What?!?!?Did you hear what I said? And then he showed at 5 and said "are you ready to go to the dr?" and then had the nerve to turn to me and say "she doesn't even feel hot" The girl was a freaking furnace! Holding her made me sweat!! Some people should NOT be allowed to have children. If I was the director, I would be filing negligence charges against them. It's not the first time either, that's the thing. I guess this winter they brought her 5 days in a row with a temp of 101 plus. And yesterday she had 102 and they didn't come pick her up. I can't believe someone can look at their 1 year old, as sick as she was, and not have a care in the world. Sick... that's what it is... sick.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Quote of the week:

"I like when Daddy drops you off better than when mommy drops you off... daddy smells better than mommy" ~A girl I work with as she was changing a little boy... I laughed again, even as I was typing

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Cali trip #1

CALIFORNIA was absolutely fabulous. It was exactly what I needed. Sun, Friends, sis in law, and lots and lots of beach time. I even brought home a sunburn. We couldn't have asked for a better trip and i couldn't have needed it more!
I've also had this week off of work. I didn't realize I needed time off work so badly. It's been so nice to actually get things done during the day. Monday I start my new job with benefits, more hours, more pay and a step up job title! Here's to hoping it works out!!


Friday, May 04, 2007

Take this job and....

Today was my last day at work! happy dance!!
I got a gift card to barnes and noble from one parent, and a card to bed bath and beyond (my favorite!) from the company. It was a good send off all in all, but God convinced me today that leaving was right. I had doubts but He took care of me today.

So, Tonight I was shopping in WalMart. They made the announcement: "Due to circumstances beyond our control, we need all customers to drop their purchases and exit the front doors" We went out the door and then they make us go into the parking lot and then we had to leave. Later I drove by and police had all the surrounding streets blocked off. I watched the news tonight and there was nothing!!! so weird!

Tomorrow we leave for 3 days in sunny california. I need a break badly and cannot wait to walk on the beach! yippee!